CALL - 020 7822 7000
Regulated by The Bar Standards Board
Our specialist team can assist with any preparation, drafting of documents and where required represent individuals as well.
We are dedicated to the protection of your human rights in all spheres, whether fleeing persecution in the international arena, or seeking justice when dealing with authority in the UK.
We appear in the whole spectrum of courts and tribunals, from first instance hearings before Immigration Judges, through to the Administrative Court, Court of Appeal & House of Lords.
Our barristers have considerable experience in all aspects of immigration and nationality law and are involved in specialist immigration law associations such as Immigration Law Practitioners Association (ILPA) and the Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants (JCWI). We can assist your clients with:
Immigration and Nationality Law
Bail Applications and Injunctions
Entry clearance applications
Business immigration – all aspects of business, commercial and work-related migration matters
Association Agreements and Workers (eg Ankara Agreements)
Visitor application and appeals
Student applications and points based appeals
Settlement (Spouse, fiance & partner applications, children, including adoption/sole responsibility, other dependant relatives and carers of British Citizens, family reunion, work visas – including HSM, SBS, WHM)
Variation of leave appeals
Domestic violence
Long Residence
Nationality Law including naturalisation and registration
Refugees and Asylum
Refugees and victims of persecution
Asylum seekers, particularly unaccompanied asylum seeking children
EU Law (including A2 & A8 nationals and dependents)
Rights of migrants to enter or remain and work in the UK
Rights of descendants of EU members
Human rights
Medical cases, eg. rights of those living with HIV
Private and Family Life Rights